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How to Identify the Signs and Symptoms of Depression?

How to Identify the Signs and Symptoms of Depression?

Depression is a mental health disorder that has a debilitating impact on the lives of people. It is not just experiencing mere levels of sadness but is often accompanied by a host of triggers that upset one’s cognitive abilities and overall health.

Quite certainly, there is a stigma around mental health in India as people who are diagnosed with several mental issues are often looked down on by society. They are found to be inferior as compared to the ones who lead normal lives.

Here's a rundown of the symptoms of depression:

Being surrounded by strands of melancholy and complacency

Often people who undergo depression lose interest in life and have a melancholic outlook towards life. They are loners who isolate themselves from others and live in their cocoons.

Experiencing difficulty in doing everyday tasks

Apart from experiencing fatigue and sleep problems, depressed folks find it difficult to hold conversations with others and express themselves freely.

Witnessing a couple of changes in one’s body

Moreover, the symptoms of stress and anxiety encapsulate rapid heartbeats, abnormal mood swings, depleted metabolism levels, low energy levels, high prolactin levels, altered states of consciousness and fluctuating hormones.

Causes of depression

Stress and mental health are interrelated and there might be a host of factors such as biological, lifestyle and environmental that contribute to depression.

Being predisposed to mental illnesses

More often, people who are diagnosed with depression have an altered brain chemistry. Their patterns of thinking and thought processes are different from others. Also, certain medications such as the ones related to cardiovascular diseases play havoc with the body’s defence mechanism.

This is mainly because of fluctuating hormone levels that upset the neurotransmitters in the brain affecting thought formation. Also, a person’s genetic disposition contributes to depression as individuals with a family history of mental ailments are likely to get them once in their lifetime.

Having an unhealthy lifestyle

Also, people with weight issues, suicidal thoughts, social phobia and an uncontrollable temperament are often stressed. When something uneventful occurs in life such as the death of a loved one, failure to meet commitments or accidents, depression seeps in.

Certain personality traits such as overthinking, being subject to self-criticism and going through a low-self-esteem can trigger harmful symptoms. Taking recreational drugs, drinking/smoking excessively and undergoing academic/work pressure make life go haywire.

Living in a chaotic environment

Moreover, people who live in areas with exceeding air pollution levels, crass cacophony and lack of hygiene experience depression. The uneasiness in the atmosphere, the humdrum of life and being surrounded by clutter don’t make them feel at ease. Studies suggest that 25% of mental disorders arise from living in uncouth conditions sprinkled with dust/germs.

Ways to treat depression

Psychotherapy for anxiety and depression is the most popular method of eliminating the ailment from its roots. People can pay a visit to the counsellor, discuss the things that upset them and receive valuable suggestions.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) develops a positive relationship with the body and fosters the formation of coherent thought patterns by eliminating unhealthy emotions or behaviour.

Apart from this, anti-depressants improve the chemical configuration of the brain by strengthening the creation of synapses/dendrites.

There are certain therapies such as acupuncture or massage that help the body heal on its own. The pressure techniques rejuvenate the blood vessels/nerve impulses and foster the development of neurons. These improve the overall functioning of the body by keeping anxiety at bay.

Also, doing regular exercise, eating balanced diet, getting adequate rest and interacting with people is essential to remain in the pink of one’s health.

Play therapy for anxiety and depression helps children overcome stress by engaging in games/sports that keep them occupied and oblivious to the ways of the world.

Play is an innate tendency and indulging in different sports or athletic events helps the brain to become more productive and divert the energy to an enjoyable task.

Summing it up, it is simple to decide the signs and symptoms of depression. People who undergo stress and anxiety must express themselves, consult a psychiatrist and take anti-depressants before it is too late. It is always better to prevent the mental ailment by taking necessary steps such as visiting a rehabilitation centre for depression in Bangalore rather than having relapses or breakdowns that debilitate one’s quality of life.

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