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How To Identify Dyslexia in Children?

How To Identify Dyslexia in Children?

The ability to learn to read, write and understand are the keys to children’s progress in the educational phase of their career. However, they could be prone to certain types of disorders that can throw some serious challenges. Dyslexia is one such medical condition which we are going to talk about in this article. 

Understanding Dyslexia

Eminent doctors associated with MaargaMindcare, well-known and trusted by many for high-quality attention and Learning disability treatment in Bangalore describe Dyslexia as a learning disorder that impacts a child’s ability to learn to read. 

This condition makes your child face difficulties while reading and comprehension and have trouble spelling words in the correct order. 

However, specialist doctors explain that identifying the signs and symptoms early in children can solve the issue resulting in good and sharp career growth. 

Common Signs of Dyslexia

Best doctors for Dyslexia treatment in Bangalore explain that signs of Dyslexia can vary with the age of children. Here are some indications to look out for.

Before getting into school

At this stage, it is good to be aware and look out for these factors that can put your Child at Risk of Dyslexia.

  • Delay in beginning to talk
  • Slow in gathering new words
  • Inability to form and pronounce words correctly
  • Difficulty in identifying letters, numbers and colours
  • Difficult to recite rhymes

While just beginning School

At this age, students can present some more prominent symptoms like:

  • The Ability to read is way below expected level for the particular age
  • Ability to comprehend what is heard
  • Difficulty in forming answers to questions using correct words
  • Difficult to identify words which have similar meanings and opposites
  • Difficulty in spelling
  • Develop a disinterest in reading
  • Taking a considerable amount of time to complete a given task

Teens and Adolescents

Dyslexia signs in children at this stage are more visible like,

  • Difficulty in reading loudly and confidently
  • Slow in writing
  • Try to avoid reading and writing consistently
  • Difficulty in solving maths problems

With time, Dyslexia can get more complicated. The earlier it is diagnosed, the better it is to find a suitable solution. Parents can do well by not contemplating and assuming things and getting in touch with the Best Dyslexia hospital in Bangalore. MaargaMindcare is well-equipped with expertise, experience and infrastructure to give your child the best attention.

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