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How Stress Affects Your Mental Health?

How Stress Affects Your Mental Health?

Stress has become a common feature of modern life. While the causes of stress can vary from person to person, everyone of us feel some out of stress from time to time. According to experts associated with Psychology clinics in Bangalore, when the stress becomes more chronic in nature, it has a much deeper impact on people.

Possible causes of Stress

Best Psychologist in Bangalore explains that an individual can come under immense stress if he is facing pressure at work or trying to overcome a social problem. Medical conditions like anxiety and depression can also lead to stressful conditions which need to be managed very carefully.

Additionally, some of the other common causes include:

  • Financial issues
  • Strained relationships within family
  • Health issues
  • Uncertainty faced in the work front
  • Family responsibilities
  • Adapting to new changes in life style
  • Improper diet
  • History of trauma

Impact on Mental Health

Uncontrolled Chronic Stress can impact not only your mental health but also your physical health to a great extent. It can:

  • Lead to anxiety and depression
  • Give rise to persistent negative emotions and thoughts
  • Affect your sleep patterns
  • Lead to chronic headaches and muscle tensions
  • Weaken the immune system
  • Affect physical well-being through chronic illnesses
  • Disrupt a peaceful family atmosphere
  • Affect focus
  • Affect decision making abilities
  • Affect productivity at work

Your Mental Health Is As Important as Physical Health

Connect With Our Experts

Stress Management is a tricky process though not impossible. Hence, seeking social support and professional assistance can be very crucial. Taking self-decisions based on certain theories that have not been medically proved can complicate things further.

Hence, if you are wondering, “who is the top psychologist near me?”, whom I can approach for professional guidance, the answer is simple. Just walk in at Maarga Mindcare and visit our experts who have loads of experience in Stress Management and we will do what it requires to help you handle it.

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